In 1995...
- A free browser called Mosaic dominated the Web
- Netscape was a promising young company selling an innovative product that would rise, and later fall, as King of the Browsers
- Microsoft did not yet have a competitive Web browser, and to some observers, Microsoft even seemed a bit disinterested in the Internet
- The term "browser war" had not yet been coined
- A 14.4 kbps modem was fast; 28.8 was a "speed demon."
...and Empire Web Pages was born when an ambitious sales professional and a computer-savvy college professor combined their talents to design pages for companies who weren't yet sure if the World Wide Web was just a passing fad.
Still Going Now, with thousands of pages and hundreds of satisfied clients to their credit, the founders of Empire Web Pages work with a dedicated staff of talented professionals to design, build and maintain effective Web sites for clients throughout the U.S. and Canada.
As we enter our sixth year in an industry that seems to reinvent itself every six months, we invite you to put our knowledge and skills to work for you. With pride we suggest:
"When experience counts, count on our experience." SM
Visit these link for more information on our services Website Design - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Hosting Solutions